Modern methods of treating varicose veins

surgical treatment of varicose veins

In order to guide the choice of treatment methods for this disease, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what constitutes varicose veins and what causes the onset of the disease. So, varicose veins are a serious disease, the end result of which is stretching and widening of the veins and blood vessels of the circulatory system with an irreversible course.

In this scenario, as a result of the thinning of the walls and their expansion, the formation of nodes on the veins can be observed, which are characterized by the presence of insufficiency of the vascular valves due to a genetic pathology. As for the prescription for detecting varicose veins, their external manifestations were noticed relatively long ago. Renowned physicians such as Hippocrates and Galena have repeatedly tried to heal vein problems, unfortunately without success.

Today this disease is one of the most common. This is for a number of reasons, one of which is the way varicose veins appear. Provoking factors contributing to the appearance of varicose veins are:

  • hereditary predisposition
  • take hormonal drugs
  • pregnancy
  • overweight and obesity
  • Lack of physical activity and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle

Ultimately, the disease leads to an increase in venous pressure and a breakdown in the functional properties of the venous valves. This creates a slow, chaotic flow of blood that stagnates in the veins and blood vessels. Eventually, the vein walls begin to stretch, become thin, and the vessels deform.

As complications of the disease, there are such manifestations as impaired blood flow in the veins of the legs. Over time, they begin to act as the cause of the aggravation and development of this disease, greatly increasing the pressure on the venous system. Very often, especially in the female half of the population, the appearance of varicose veins is explained by hormonal disorders.

Modern methods of treating varicose veins

Thanks to many years of research on this problem, scientists and medical professors have managed to develop many methods and methods for treating varicose veins. Modern methods of treating varicose veins should be used in strict accordance with the severity of the disease. However, in the advanced stage there are several treatment options that lead to the same goal: the elimination of overstretched vascular tissue in different ways.

At the initial stage, it is advisable to use an integrated approach to the process, including increasing physical activity, therapeutic exercises, wearing products from their compression stockings to tighten superficial manifestations, organizing rest and work activities, taking into account the disease.

It should be noted that varicose veins most often affect the lower extremities, although the disease can also manifest itself in other parts of the human body, such as the stomach, esophagus, pelvis, ovaries and spermatic cord. Often, in addition to preventive measures, patients need more radical treatment. The methods most commonly used today include:

  • Surgical treatment of varicose veins of the legs
  • Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches
  • Sclerotherapy - the introduction of a special liquid composition into the vessel
  • leg vein laser treatment
  • radio frequency ablation
  • drug therapy
  • elastic compression

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Surgical treatment is a radical method used for varicose veins in the legs. Surgical intervention in modern clinics is performed at a sufficiently high level, which allows not to be in the hospital after treatment.

In addition, depending on the patient's wishes, anesthesia can be both general and local, in which it is possible to be fully conscious during the operation. Among the main methods of surgical treatment, the following can be distinguished:

  • Sclerotherapy method. It is made by introducing a special agent, creating a scar on the required area of the stretched vein. This technique is acceptable for low and moderate severity venous expansion. One of the main advantages is that the procedure is well tolerated, is performed under local anesthesia and, if performed correctly, leads to the desired result. In some cases, repeated surgery is required until the pathology completely disappears.
  • Treatment with laser surgery. This technique is effective for all varicose veins. The affected vein is irradiated from the inside with a laser through an optical fiber inserted into it, which is connected to the laser. The entire process is controlled by an ultrasonic device. After the intended vein has been processed with a laser, its walls are glued together. Over time, the vein disappears completely. The advantage of this technique is that it is practically bloodless without incisions in the upper layer of the epidermis and soft tissue. With the help of laser surgery, it is relatively easy to get rid of all the stretched and damaged veins and vessels, and even to heal trophic ulcers.
  • Removal of the vein by direct surgery. Leg varicose vein surgery involves making small incisions in the skin and underlying soft tissue to access the necessary veins. Damaged veins are removed and connected internally. Like any complex operation, the technique is applied with the mandatory use of anesthesia. It is advisable to perform operations on large veins with a large diameter
  • Elimination of varicose veins with the help of outpatient phlebectomy. The technique is applicable to veins with a small diameter. It is performed by making the necessary skin incisions under local anesthesia. The main advantage of the operation is that after some time the resulting scars become almost invisible.
  • Removal of deformed veins using endoscopic devices. The technique found its application in pathological ulcerative formations on the skin. A microscopic video camera is inserted directly inside the vessel, through which the vein can be viewed from the inside and the operation can be monitored. The vein is brought out under observation through the introduced camera.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins

Carrying out conservative treatment of varicose veins without surgery, along with progressive radical methods, has not lost its relevance.

One of the most effective means is elastic compression. Wearing tights made from a special knit ensures the correct distribution of pressure on the affected leg areas.

Such a measure will help normalize the ability of blood to circulate and improve its outflow. Elastic dense tissue performs the function of a support frame, reducing the load on vessels and preventing the progression of the disease.

In this scenario, the potential risk of blood clots is reduced. Currently, therapeutic and preventive knitwear is produced. Depending on the degree and shape of varicose veins, wearing products with a certain impact power is mandatory.

It is highly recommended to use this technique for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, pregnant women, people who are genetically predisposed to the occurrence of this disease, as well as with visible minor manifestations.

Drug therapy is now used as an adjunct to surgical treatment. With the help of medication, it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient's condition and reduce such negative manifestations as pain, swelling, the appearance of discomfort and spasms.

Of great importance here is the correct selection of funds that provide an integrated approach to the implementation of therapeutic measures and achieve the desired effect. The drug is able to neutralize the active process of intravascular inflammation, significantly reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and improve venous tone.

The question of when it is better to start treating varicose veins can be answered: it is necessary to start therapeutic measures at the first signs of the manifestation of the disease, the earlier, the better.