How are varicose veins treated properly?

Many are interested in the question of how to get rid of varicose veins in the legs forever, since this is not only a noticeable cosmetic defect, but also a very dangerous pathology that can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers and the development of thrombophlebitis. That is why it is necessary to fight the disease by all means and immediately after discovering the first alarming signs, think about its elimination.

There are many effective ways to get rid of varicose veins. In each case, the doctor selects several of them individually, based on the stage of the disease, localization of the pathology, the severity of the symptoms and the age of the patient.

Injection to treat varicose veins

The risk group includes pregnant women who smoke, wear tight heels, have a genetic predisposition, do little exercise, are on their feet all day (salespersons, stewardesses) and take hormonal contraceptives.

In addition, the cause can be the presence of cellulite, which, unfortunately, is present in many fair sexes, regardless of age.

How to get rid of varicose veins from deep and superficial veins?

The course of therapy is carried out in several directions at once. One of them is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels with the help of drugs. For these purposes, various ointments and gels are prescribed for local use, and venotonic agents for internal use.

This method of therapy does not guarantee a quick elimination of the problem, but the constant and regular use of venotonics, the use of ointments brings a stable positive result. What drugs the patient should take, the phlebologist will tell. It should be noted that the contraindication to the use of capsules and tablets is the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

Can you get rid of varicose veins with compression garments?

You can prevent the progression of the disease with the help of special underwear - compression stockings, tights. Wearing such clothing helps constrict blood vessels, restore blood flow and reduce swelling. It is usually recommended to wear such underwear in combination with taking medication and dieting.

Method of laser coagulation of vessels

Laser photocoagulation is a widely used procedure for eliminating small vein changes (spider veins and spider veins). Affected areas will be treated with a laser beam during the event.

The alternative is photocoagulation. The procedure differs from the previous one in the shape of the beam. In the latter case, it is luminous. A similar method - electrocoagulation - involves electricity in the treatment process.

How are varicose veins removed by surgery?

  • Sclerotherapy is a kind of gluing of the affected vessels. A drug is injected into the affected veins, which contributes to the growth of scar tissue and the overgrowth of venous processes. The course usually consists of 2-3 injections in combination with wearing special underwear. This method is used in the treatment of superficial veins;
  • Endoscopic dissection or endovascular laser photocoagulation. Venous defects are eliminated with the help of an endoscope and special microsurgical instruments. A small incision is made in the lower leg through which the endoscope is passed. Defects found during the operation are eliminated by coagulation;
  • In phlebectomy, affected vessels are removed through incisions with a special probe. After such a surgical intervention, it is necessary to wear compression stockings and use decongestant ointments for 2 months. With this method, you can get rid of bugs forever.

A contraindication to surgery are any chronic diseases in the acute stage, acute respiratory infections, menstruation, pregnancy, unstable or severe cardiovascular diseases.

How to get rid of the disease without surgery?

To get rid of varicose veins on the legs without surgery, you can use a combination of drugs and physiotherapy procedures. Physiotherapy alone is not enough for treatment, so it is combined with other options. Commonly used: ozonation, hardware pneumocompression, therapeutic massage to improve lymph flow and blood circulation, exercise therapy.

In addition, there are many recipes of traditional medicine that, in combination with other forms of therapy, can achieve a beneficial effect. In no case should you use such methods alone.

Before using decoctions, infusions and lotions, you should consult a doctor:

  • Infusion of arnica or hop cones is taken before meals, 100-200 ml;
  • Garlic and honey: 250 g of garlic are crushed and mixed with 350 g of honey; the mixture is kept in a dark place for 14 days; take a spoon 3 times a day before meals;
  • Cold wraps can be made with chocolate, clay;
  • Treatment with bee products other than honey is not excluded;
  • On sore spots, you can apply gruel from fresh tomatoes or Antonov apples;
  • Egg ointment: one egg is hard-boiled, cooled, the yolk is placed in the freezer for 10 minutes, later heat 200 ml of vegetable oil in a saucepan and add 50 g of beeswax and yolk. After boiling, hold for another 3 minutes, pour into another container and wait for it to harden. Such an ointment is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected veins only once a day, usually at night. You must store the product in the refrigerator.

lifestyle correction

Women with varicose veins should avoid high heels. It is recommended to move more, play sports, but the load on the legs should be moderate. Exercise will help eliminate hypodynamia.

You also need to give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol). Sun exposure is also highly undesirable. You should not take hot baths, it is better to give preference to a contrast shower.

People with varicose veins should not lift weights (over 5 kg), thermal procedures (bath, sauna, waxing), massage (roller, can, anti-cellulite) and overload their legs (weightlifting, running, step aerobics, skiing). ). ).

diet change

It is worth noting that you can get rid of cellulite with a diet for varicose veins. This will not only benefit the body as a whole, but, potentially, eliminate the root cause of the appearance of the pathology. The diet should help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity.


  • Completely exclude sweet and starchy foods, any kind of alcohol, especially beer, from the menu. Small amounts of chocolate, honey and dried fruit are allowed;
  • Dishes should not be fatty, with a lot of spices and spices, smoked meat is also excluded;
  • It is useful to eat fish, since the substances contained in it reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Other seafood is also recommended - the copper in it is involved in the synthesis of elastin, the main element of connective tissue. It is worth eating more foods rich in vitamins C, E, P and A (hazelnuts, sea buckthorn, chestnuts, chokeberry juice), fruits and berries. Apples, figs, citrus fruits, and blueberries are especially helpful.

Contribute to the elimination of the disease and foot baths with the addition of nettle leaves, burdock or birch. You can also add cypress, tea tree, mint, bergamot, lemon, sage, or geranium oil to the bath. In addition to various mashes of vegetables and fruits, raw potatoes can be applied to the knots.

Compresses based on decoctions of horsetail, St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow will not be superfluous. Inside you can take a decoction of nettle.

There are recipes where it is recommended to rub feet with vinegar. It is worth noting that during sleep it is necessary to put a roller under the legs so that they are above the level of the heart. Take care of yourself and do not practice uncontrolled self-medication!